Healing Through Cooking!

Sumber: Pinterest

Going through a rock bottom era alone has never been easy for me. Everyday I've tried my best to find some reasons just to survive this world. Sometimes, there's a day I want to give up my life, but simply the Universe makes me realize how precious my life is. It unexpectedly proves me through some little things around me. So, since then, I choose to stay alive by looking for anything that makes me more grateful for choosing this path. The more days pass, the more I realized that changes will not come if I keep being waited for some uncertainties. My own self is the one that I've been waiting for over this time.

Hence, I've been looking for many things that can put me at ease. Something that helps me to reduce stressors, to manage my anxiety, heal some of broken hearts, or simply just to cure a boredom. I've spent a several months do the gardening and had several harvests from it last year. So, I think I should do something different this year to prevent me got bored.

Lucky me, I've often got curious about something new or something I'm not good at. Term and condition applied. It's like a way for me to cope with all my shortcomings, so, my curiousity about things will triggers me to do hard work. Thus, I choose to learn more in cooking to carry out the mission of healing this year. Yay! Besides, it's one of the things that I'm not good at. Hehehe.

Sambil menyelam minum air.

Maybe I will post any recipes that I've tried here, sooo, see you at the next post! XO
